Aunchalee E.L. Palmquist, PhD


Aunchalee E.L. Palmquist, PhD


Medical anthropologist and health equity scholar whose work sits at the intersections of breastfeeding, science, and society.



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I have a rich and diverse portfolio of ethnographically informed research on human lactation, breastfeeding, other forms of human milk feeding (milk sharing, milk banking, pumping, induced lactation/relactation). I also draw upon feminist scholarship, bioethics, and human rights frameworks to uncover root causes of reproductive health inequities and to imagine new directions for policy, practice, and advocacy. I have experience conducting mixed-methods and community-based participatory research, and I collaborate on interdisciplinary research with scholars from around the world.




Outside of peer-reviewed journal publications, I have written book chapters, evidence briefs, reports, and blog posts for public audiences. I am [very slowly] writing my first ethnography.




I am an invited speaker for community, academic, global health, and health care professions conferences and events. I also lead workshops and trainings for peer and professional lactation support persons. Engaging in dialogue about critical issues affecting reproductive rights, health, and well-being is integral to my scholarly praxis.



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I have over 15 years of experience teaching and mentoring undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral scholars. I have taught core foundational courses in sociocultural and biocultural anthropology, advanced courses in medical anthropology and the anthropology of reproduction, and graduate seminars in maternal and child health, global health, and qualitative research methods.